“The more it (vaccination) is supported by public authorities, the more will its dangers and disadvantages be concealed or denied.” ― M. Beddow Bayly
Sadly, the above quote is too often, true.
In the Assembly right now, we have multiple bills that have been brought to the Floor. Some have been referred to the Health Committee, some to your local governments, and one has been passed.
In the name of helping the public, Democrats are actively working to pass laws (unconstitutional ones, I might add) that take away your right to make medical decisions about your body and the bodies of your loved ones.
Every good Liberal knows that children are the stepping stones to controlling the future, i. e...controlling them and how you raise them will determine how history plays out in their favor. Therefore, to combat the insanity of the government, the logical step is to educate and learn to think critically for ourselves! Then we can go out and transform the culture.
It's not easy. But it's worth it.
" Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again." - Ronald Reagan
1. A1736
Sponsored by Dinowitz
Same bill as S3373 which is sponsored by Skoufis
This is a Public Health Law
TITLE....Relates to requiring immunization information systems to record data on the number of vaccine exemptions reported by each health care provider
Status: 01/20/23 - referred to health
2. A1811
Sponsored by Dinowitz
Same as S1945 which is sponsored by Hoylman-Sigal
This is a Public Health Law
TITLE....Relates to mandatory influenza vaccine for persons attending daycare
Status: 01/23/23 - referred to health
3. A1913
Sponsored by Dinowitz
No sponsored Senate bill
This is an Arts and Cultural Affairs Law
TITLE....Enacts the "Fairly Applying Individual Requirements for Vaccine Mandates (FAIR Vaccine Mandates) Act"
Status: 01/23/23 - referred to local governments NOTE: I wanted to put this section of the bill in this article. Basically, as you can see below, they are trying to force a vaccination to even enter a theatre. I'll highlight it below.
"Introduced by M. of A. Dinowitz -- read once and referred to the Commit-
tee on Local Governments
AN ACT to amend the arts and cultural affairs law, in relation to enacting the "fairly applying individual requirements for vaccine mandates (FAIR Vaccine Mandates) act"
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. Short title. This act may be cited and shall be known as
2 the "fairly applying individual requirements for vaccine mandates (FAIR
3 Vaccine Mandates) Act".
4 § 2. The arts and cultural affairs law is amended by adding a new
5 section 61.14 to read as follows:
6 § 61.14. Equity of vaccine requirements in entertainment and the arts.
7 A local government may, by local law, rule or executive order, require
8 performers, athletes, employees, attendees, and/or any other person or
9 category of persons be vaccinated against COVID-19 to enter a place of
10 entertainment, provided such local government may not exempt any person
11 from the vaccination requirements based upon a person's place of resi-
12 dency or usual employment. As used in this section, "place of enter-
13 tainment" means any privately or publicly owned and operated enter-
14 tainment facility such as a theatre, stadium, arena, racetrack, museum,
15 amusement park or other place where performances, concerts, exhibits,
16 athletic games or contests are held for which an entry fee is charged.
17 § 3. This act shall take effect immediately; provided that any local
18 law, rule, or executive order requiring vaccination against COVID-19 to
19 enter a place of entertainment in effect on the effective date of this
20 act which local law, rule, or order does not comply with the provisions
21 of this act shall remain in effect, but any person who was previously
22 exempt from any such local law, rule, or executive order requirement due
23 to their place of residency or usual employment shall no longer be
24 exempt.
4. A2178
Sponsored by Dinowitz
No sponsored Senate bill
This is a Public Health Law
TITLE....Requires immunization against COVID-19
Status: 01/23/23 - referred to health
NOTE: This is relating to forcing children to vaccinate for school.
5. A4132
Sponsored by Paulin
Same as S837 which is sponsored by Rivera
This is a Public Health Law
TITLE....Protects the confidentiality of vaccine information; repealer
Status: 02/09/23 referred to health
02/14/23 reported referred to rules
02/14/23 reported
02/14/23 rules report cal.101
02/14/23 ordered to third reading rules cal.101
02/15/23 substituted by S837
S00837 Rivera
01/24/23 referred to health
02/15/23 substituted for A4132
02/15/23 ordered to third reading rules cal.101
03/15/23 passed assembly
03/15/23 returned to senate
03/24/23 SIGNED CHAP.109
AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to protecting the
confidentiality of vaccine information; and to repeal provisions of
the public health law relating thereto
1. A2760
Sponsored by Gandolfo (MS)
Same as S3493 which is sponsored by Weik
This is a Labor Law
TITLE....Allows employees that refuse a coronavirus vaccine to be eligible for unemployment insurance
Status: 01/27/23 - referred to labor
2. A3997
Sponsored by Flood
Same as S1636 which is sponsored by Oberracker
This is a Public Health Law
TITLE....Prohibits a mandatory immunization against the coronavirus
Status: 02/08/23 - referred to health
3. A4108
Sponsored by Brown E
No sponsored Senate bill
TITLE....Prohibits the administration of COVID-19 mRNA vaccinations
Status: 02/09/23 - referred to health
Assemblyman David DiPietro represents the 147th Assembly District, which covers all of Wyoming County and the southern portion of Erie County.