Every week, I love to take some time and visit hard working citizens and recognize them for their achievements. Creating a culture of communal gratitude and help is of great importance in allowing everyone to thrive in what they do best. Showcasing amazing opportunities that are available for you is a part of this too. Down below you'll be able to view some of these...

Presenting a Certificate of Merit from the NYS Assembly to Ms. Angela Lukaszonas from The Young Ladies of Grace , "a unique Christian Performing Arts Academy dedicated to developing young ladies with confidence, self-esteem, poise and respect through Acting, Dance, Modeling, Pageantry & Etiquette." You can find all their information on their website here: https://theyoungladiesofgrace.com/ .

Presenting a Certificate of Merit from the NYS Assembly to Ms. Joan Schaff from Punkins Patch Antiques Shop. You can visit the warm and welcoming shop on 93 Elm Street in East Aurora, NY.

The Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority is now accepting applications for the 2023 Transit Police exam. The
application deadline is April 10, 2023 followed by testing on April 29, 2023.
To apply for the upcoming exam: •Submit the application prior to the application deadline date. •Include a $25 certified check, money order, or personal check made payable to the NFTA •Applicants age must be 20 by the date of the exam
Please visit the website above or call HR at (716) 855-7234 for more information.
Stay tuned for more people and places next week.